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來源:發(fā)布時間:2015-04-20 16:48
It’s an uphill battle to be successful if you don’t have a good working relationship with your manager. While results are the most important measure of success, great results can often be overshadowed if you’re always doing little things that annoy your manager.
I’ve been fortunate to have talented, hardworking, likable employees throughout my career as a manager. But I have heard stories from other managers….. Here are 10 things to avoid doing in order to stay in good standing with your manager:
1. Having to be reminded. 你總得“催催催”
Yes, we all let things slip through the cracks now and then. However, it’s been my experience that some employees are the same ones that need to be consistently llowed up with when others seem to be able to respond the first time they are asked. As a manager, I expect that when I ask a question, ask for a piece of information, or ask for something to be done, I assume it will happen. But if you can’t, or if you need more time, then let me know, don’t just ignore the request. Keeping commitments part of being a professional.
2. Not being able to prioritize. 凡事都沒個先后
With the exception of brand new employees, experienced professionals should know how to juggle a lot of balls at once and which ones to pay more or less attention to. When an employee goes to a manager and asks for help in prioritizing their own work, the employee comes across as clueless and helpless.
3. Making excuses. 找借口
When a mistake is made, just own up to it and fix it. No lame excuses, finder pointing, blaming, drama, etc…be accountable!
4. Not being a team player. 特立獨行。
When a co-worker is buried, offer to help. Don’t wait for your manager to ask. If you are annoying your co-workers, your manager will eventually hear about it. Never, ever be the employee that your co-workers have to speak to their manager about. And if you have a problem with a coworker, try to resolve it with them first before you take it to your boss.
5. Bad-mouthing your manager. 對你的經(jīng)理說三道四。
Yes, we all need to complain about our managers now and then. Just don’t overdo it, and assume that anything you say could get back to your manager. Besides, when you constantly bash your boss, what does it say about you? That you’re stupid enough to put up with working for a jerk?
6. Challenging your manager in front of your manager’s boss. 在上級的上級前質(zhì)疑你的上級。
If you disagree with your manager, or have a concern, bring it up privately with your manager. Don’t embarrass or undermine your manager.
7. Blatantly sucking up. 高調(diào)拍馬屁
It’s a good idea to treat everyone with the same high degree of respect. If you follow that rule, your boss doesn’t need any more respect than anyone else, or it comes across as sucking up. The same goes for gift giving. Please, no extravagant holiday or birthday gifts for the boss!
8. Not keeping your boss informed. 不匯報進度
Sure, no one likes to be micromanaged and everyone hates status reports, but managers need to have some idea of what you’re working on. They also hate to be surprised, if there is bad news, make sure your manager hears it from you first.
9. A lack of common sense. 沒點常識
Here’s a phrase you don’t want to hear from your manager: “You did what?! Seriously?! I mean, what you were thinking?!”
10. Passing the monkey. 踢皮球
A saying from the article Management Time: Who’s Got the Monkey?, in which a manager’s employees keep passing their problems (monkeys) to the manager to solve. In other words, upwards delegation.
“Passing the monkey”(踢皮球)這個詞語來自一篇文章《時間管理:誰得到了猴子?》,意思是員工把問題(所謂的“猴子”)丟給上司去解決。也就是所謂的“往上指派工作”。
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