黨的群眾路線教育實踐活動工作會議6月18日在北京召開,中共中央總書記、國家主席、中央軍委主席習近平出席會議并發(fā)表重要講話,對全黨開展教育實踐活動進行部署。 請看《中國日報》的報道: Xi, general secretary of the CPC Central Committee, urged its members to adopt the "mass line" as they did during revolutionary times, in a move to improve ties with the public. 中共中央總書記習近平要求全體黨員像在革命時期一樣走“群眾路線”,密切黨群關(guān)系。 群眾路線(mass line)就是一切為了群眾,一切依靠群眾,從群眾中來,到群眾中去(doing everything for the masses, relying on them in every task, carrying out the principle of “from the masses, to the masses”)。 習近平指出,目前黨內(nèi)脫離群眾現(xiàn)象集中表現(xiàn)在形式主義(formalism)、官僚主義(bureaucratism)、享樂主義(hedonism)和奢靡之風(extravagance)這“四風”上。 此次講話要點還包括: 1. 人心向背關(guān)系黨的生死存亡。 Winning or losing public support is an issue that concerns the CPC's survival or extinction. 2. 黨只有始終與人民心連心、同呼吸、共命運,始終依靠人民推動歷史前進,才能做到堅如磐石。 The CPC can only be stable when it dedicates its soul and mind to the people, and relies on the people to push forward historical advancement. 3. 照鏡子、正衣冠、洗洗澡、治治病 Watch from the mirror, groom oneself, take a bath and seek remedies |
[發(fā)布者:yezi] | ||
·英語熱詞:黨的“群眾路線”mass line
·雙語:聯(lián)合國預測 世界人口2025年將達81億
·雙語:再不瘋狂就老了 一起出發(fā)畢業(yè)旅行